- Business Opportunity Presentation
- New Distributor Orientation
- The Secret Rules Of Money
- Leadership Training
- Train The Trainer
- Millionaire's Mind, Abundance Mind And Heart
- The Secret Beauties Of Network Marketing
- Relationship With God Is The Key To Success
- Seven Stages Of The Heart
- Knowing Your Selve
- What Is Your Mission In Life
Rules About Money
Before you can get RM1,000,000 in less than 24 months, you need to learn the rules about money. These lessons you dont learn in schools or college or universities. Simple reasons because the government dont want you to know these knowledge. This knowledge is for the rich and their families only. Poor people go to school. Rich people learn at home from their rich parents. Remember .. fortune are transferred from rich parent to sons/daughters. The secret knowledge about money is among the most important knowledge taught by rich parent to their children.
I really encourage you to buy books of Rich Dad Series such as :
1.If You Want to Be Rich & Happy Don't Go to School: Ensuring Lifetime Security for Yourself and Your Children
2. Rich Dad Poor Dad: What the Rich Teach Their Kids About Money-That the Poor and the Middle Class Do Not!
3. Cashflow Quadrant: Rich Dad's Guide to Financial Freedom
4. Rich Dad's Conspiracy of the Rich: The 8 New Rules of Money
5. Rich Dad's Before You Quit Your Job: 10 Real-Life Lessons Every Entrepreneur Should Know About Building a Multimillion-Dollar Business
6. Rich Dad's Increase Your Financial IQ: Get Smarter with Your Money8. The Business of the 21st Century Audio CD
and so on.
Other book such as The Richest Man In Babylon is also excellent.
First Rule Of Money
Like water and energy, money flows, they are transformed or transferred.
Look at your money in your hand. Do you create it? It flows to you either from your salary or from your business or you get it from your father. You have no power to create money from thin air. You must get it from someone or somewhere. What happen if you create your own money? You will be caught and punished by your government.
By this rule, you must know the flow of money. To be rich, you must know how money flows. You want money flows into your pocket not out of your pocket. You want more money flow into your pocket than flow out your pocket. You must know the direction of the flow.
Rich people are rich because money flowing in to their account in abundance non stop. While money flowing out of their account relatively small.
Poor people are poor because money flowing in and out of their account is about the same.
Troubled people are in trouble because money flowing in is smaller than money flowing out of their account. Meaning expenses is higher than income.
The same rule apply for a nation. There are rich nations, poor nations and troubled nations. When cash flow is not managed, trouble will happen.
In this school you will create your account in Shamelin Bina. We will teach you how money flow .. real money .. lots of money into your account so that you will become rich ... a millionaire !!
Second Rule Of Money
Assets causes money to flow into your account, liabities causes money to flow out of your account
To be rich you must know what is called assets and what is called liabilities. Assets are things you own which brings money to your account while liabilities are things you own that cause your money to flow out of your account into someone else's account.
To be rich, you need to maximise your assets and minimise your liabilities.
In Kamilin we will teach you how to create assets that will cause money to flow cash money into your Shamelin Bina account every day.
We will teach you about Human Assets. How to create human assets by the hundreds and thousands of people working for you happily round the clock and around the world.
The only business that create human assets by the thousands around the globe while they working happily for you is only in network marketing business or multi level marketing business or direct selling business.
That is why we have chosen the network marketing business of Shamelin Bina for you to practice the knowledge about money.
Your account in Shamelin Bina is an asset, which is actually directly affected by the human assets in your network of distributors. We will teach you how to have great quantity and high quality of of people in your network
Third Rule Of Money
Use other people's money to create assets
This is the greatest secret of the rich !! The rich not just use their own money to create assets, but most of the money they use to create their assets come from other people's money.
For example Donald Trump makes billions using billions of banks' money. Banks give him loans by the billions. Those billions dollars in loan is used in making Trump business empire which is an enormous asset for Donald Trump. He can not be a billionaire without the banks loans.
Yes! Debts are necessary in creating assets for you.
In this school we will teach you both how to create an assets without borrowing money and also by borrowing money.
In creating your asset in Shamelin Bina you will be using your own money and also other people's money. But lots of the money are not your money. Most money you use come from other people's money.
In network marketing business, your group sales determine your income. The more people in your network the greater the group sales. Your network growing in number through the work called sponsoring. Everyone joining the network marketing business will be taught how to do sponsoring effectively. Every member in your group or network will use some money of their own or borrowed money to do the sponsoring activities such as buying products, buying sales tools, pay their friends or prospects meals while explaing the business, pay the petrol of their car, accomodation during roadshow and many more. These expenses used by your downlines or groups or networks are not your money but they contribute in building your assets.
Imagine if you have 10,000 people in your network, and they spend RM30 a day in building their business. It means you use RM30 X 10,000 = RM300,000 a day building your assets which is not your money but other people money. The good thing is, you dont borrow those money. Those money spend by your downlines from their own pocket.
This is one the greatest beauty of Multi Level Marketing or Network Marketing or Direct Selling business. You can create big asset using big money without even need to borrow from anyone. Everybody spend a little bit of money in creating the business shared by many people.
This is why we have chosen network marketing business for our students to practice their knowledge about money. We dont chose real estate, we dont chose trading business, we dont chose franchise business, we dont chose restaurant business. no .no other business but Network Marketing business for our student to practice on. When they become millionaire in Shamelin Bina, then they can try to do other business as an additional assets.
Fourth Rule Of Money
Give Back Some Money To Maintain and Improve The Assets And Give Back To The Society
For every income you make from your asset, some of it you musg give back to maintain the assets, to improve them. Give some to the society where your assets are located. Give to the orphanage. Give to the poor and needy. The real owner and creator of money is Allah, The One And Only God. Allah does not need your money, but He will be pleased with you if you give some of your money to His servants, When Allah is pleased with you, He will give you more money for you to handle and manage.
In this school, we will teach you how to spend your money in developing your assets that is your network.